Personal Service & Support
Since 1982, Roll Former has designed & developed custom machinery specifically tailored for a company’s exact application. Garage door panels, sky lights, swimming pool parts or chicken troughs are just a few other examples, we can build a machine to fit any of your needs! Our equipment is built with the highest quality components which ensures the most reliable, durable and easy to use machines available on the market.
Our approach is simple…. we are focused on designing high quality equipment at affordable pricing to meet our customers needs. All of our equipment is designed with the specific amount of stages needed to roll form your finished product. In other words, no extra frame work or stages in the machine that you pay for but do not use! Sufficient yet simple adjustments to fine-tune the product being roll formed based on tensile and yield strengths of the material.

Designed and Manufactured in the USA with Stainless Steel to Hardened Tool Steel Forming Rolls with or w/o Chrome Plating, Sealed Bearings, Stainless Steel Shafting, Hydraulic Drive and Shear or AC Drive Motor System and Air Powered Shear, and Digital Controllers for fully automatic operation. Typical thickness capacities range from 30 to 16 gauge on Steel and .019″ to .060″ on Aluminum.
Every shop that has purchased our custom equipment can attest to our personalized service and support. To receive a quote on your profile, please call or fax a drawing showing dimensions, type and gauge of material. Contact references are available upon request.